PCRBIO HS Taq DNA Polymerase, an advanced antibody-mediated hot start DNA polymerase designed for fast, highly specific and sensitive PCR.
Whether you need a hot start assay for high-throughput, automated reaction setup or the detection of a low copy number template, PCR Biosystems offers you a robust industry-leading enzyme to meet your needs.
- Hot start technology for unrivalled detection of low copy number templates
- Increased PCR success rates with amplicons up to 6kb
- Fast extension rate – 15 seconds/kb, for amplicons shorter than 1kb, a 1 second extension is sufficient.
- Ultra-low background DNA
- Advanced buffer chemistry including Mg and dNTP
- Efficient specific amplification from GC and AT-rich sequences
- High performance under both fast and standard cycling conditions
- Gives increased PCR throughput with existing thermal cyclers
- Stable at 25°C and 37°C for 4 weeks and at -20°C for 3-4 years (!)

- Genotyping
- High-throughput PCR
- Standard and fast PCR
- Routine and multiplex PCR
- TA cloning
- Inhibitor tolerant PCR direct from bacterial culture, blood and urine
- Colony PCR
- ‘Difficult’ PCR – GC and AT-rich DNA
2x Taq Mix Red PCR MasterMix with advanced hot-start technology, 500×20µl reactions (5 tubes of 1ml)
2x Taq Mix Red PCR MasterMix with advanced hot-start technology, 2,500×20µl reac. (25 tubes of 1ml)